Welcome to the Henniker Historical Society, located in Academy Hall in Henniker, New Hampshire
The Henniker Historical Society and Museum is open!. We are one of the very few Historical Societies in NH to be open in the winter!
While the Museum is temporarily closed for painting, new lighting and fire protection system, we are still available for research!
New Cat’s Meows collectables!!!
Henniker Inn
(NEC Admin)
Collectors! Add to your collection! Each are $25.00 and can be purchased in person at the Henniker Historical Society or by going to the SHOP icon above for PayPal or credit card! Henniker Cat’s Meows are sold exclusively by the Society.
Please help us save the henniker hearse!!!
In 1917 Henniker purchased a hearse built in the mid-1800’s from an Antrum undertaker to service town funerals. In 1948 it was retired and left to deteriorate. Mrs. Maro McLeod donated the hearse to the Society in 2006 - we feel this iconic piece of Henniker history is worth saving. We need YOUR help in the restoration costs. Phase 1 has been completed by replacing the wooden wheels and rehabing the axles. Phase 2 repairs the hearse body.
Donors ($50.00 +) will be invited to a private Reveal Pary when the hearse is completed!!!!
Donate in memory of a friend, loved one or give as a gift!
- Any amount accepted -
Mail checks to HHS PO Box 674, Henniker, NH 03242 or pay via credit card with a one time or monthly deduction
by clicking on our SUPPORT link below, then click DONATE!
Let’s Save the Hearse!!!
We are your first source for anything Henniker!
Society Hours:
Academy Hall and the Henniker Historical Society are OPEN. The Museum is temporarily closed for renovations.
Thursdays 10-2 | 1st/3rd Saturdays 10-1 | Or by appointment
Email requests for information are also accepted.